next dj jam in helsinki on sat 28.9 at 19 – 22.
dj jam combines music played by a dj, gentle visuals and a contact improvisation jam.
a sensitive dj watches the crowd as closely as an improvising musician watches an improvising dancer. contact improvisation was born in the 70’s to experience dance in a new way and CI jams were born to share this experience. dj jam is one invitation for a jam in 2024.
in addition to visuals, we’re also enjoying a fragrance. we’ll keep it light enough. it’s 100 % organic. as part of the visuals we’re using fog in this jam.
you can come and go as you want, but we recommend arriving for the shared tuning-in and staying for the ending circle as that will deepen the experience of the jam and make sure everyone shares the same information regarding safety.
score for the session:
19 – 19.15 arrival
19.15 – 19.45 shared and facilitated tuning-in. here we will also go through the rules regarding safety
19.45 – 21.45 jam
21.45 – 22 cooling down and ending circle
you don’t need to have any experience about contact improvisation in order to join the jam.
and this might be a perfect way to start your nite out, too.
12 e
jam place and time:
eskus – performance center, studio 1 on saturday 28. 9. 2024 at 7pm-10pm. (eskus – performance center, puhdistamo (building n:o 6) 2. fl. official address: kaasutehtaankatu 1/33, 00540 helsinki.)
the jam needs at least five enrolments latest the day before to be realised.
samee haapa is an actor FIA, dancer and a dj, who has 20 years of experience in organising alternative clubs and raves and teaching and making radical contemporary dance. dj jam was originally started in helsinki in 2015 and is now running its eighth year.
we’ll take some photos and possibly shoot some video at the jam. if you’d rather not be seen in these, come and tell it to the dj and we’ll sort it out.
dj jam is committed to the principles of safer space. this means respect for all genders, sexualities, backgrounds, bodies and abilities. racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic or other oppressive behavior is not allowed.
dj is in charge of safety in the space and they are never too busy to react so do feel free to contact them at any point if you have any concerns.
come and flip. or come and rest. no one knows
photo: marko mäkinen
video: samee haapa