A (slightly) immersive lecture performance about immersion
The Center for Everything and the preceding The Lost City Inc. are pioneers of Finnish immersive theatre and game performances. They have been trailblazers in mixing performing arts with both game design and new technologies.
The digital has been brought into the discourse in the performing arts during last couple of years especially in relation to audience work and marketing. In addition to audience work and marketing CfE has strived to embed the digital turn in the artistic strategies of the company in order to more comprehensibly place the digital under a thorough artistic scrutiny.
In practice this has meant the use of digital tools to expand the notion of performance, but also by the submission of the digital to critical art. Often this has been realised by the creative misuse of digital tools and platforms. In this sense we can call it artistic hacking.
The latest performance using these approaches is the international co-operation ‘The AI Party’ which had its Finnish premiere at Mad House Helsinki last year and which will see its Norwegian and Swedish premieres later this year. There is also an Australian version in process.
The evening is divided into two parts.
The first part (7pm – 8pm) is a lecture performance. In the lecture performance the artistic director of The Center for Everything Sami Henrik Haapala presents the artistic and digital strategies of the company from the past 10 years.
The second part (8.15pm – 10pm) is the official founding of the association supporting The AI Party in Finland. This association decides during the evening whether the party takes part in the upcoming general election in Finland.
It’s possible to take part in the evening also by taking part either in the lecture performance or the founding of the association alone.
If you want to reserve a place, you can do that at
You can also arrive directly to Eskus in case there are still places left.
Concept: Sami Henrik Haapala
Prop design: Kaisa Kemikoski
The lecture performance has been supported by Arts Promotion Centre Finland.
Voluntary entrance fee.
(Photo from ‘The Constitution of the AI Party (FI)’. Photo: Marko Mäkinen.)